Indigenous Theologies of Land/Place

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The image is from on the need for Indigenous reparations 

See the special issue of NAIITS:

Aldred, Ray. “The Land, Treaty, and Spirituality: Communal Identity Inclusive of Land.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 1–17.

Brett, Mark, and Naomi Wolfe. “Land and the Responsibility to Protect Immigrants: Reflecting on Aboriginal Tradition and the Hebrew Bible.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 144–53.

Deverell, Garry Worete. “Bushfires and Colonial Mismanagement of Aboriginal Lands.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 176–79.

Friesen, Monica. “Redeeming Displacement: Cultural Safety in Nursing as a Christ-Motivated Ministry of Decolonization.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 28–49.

Grace, Joshua. “Intergenerational Stories and the Land Itself: Decentering Christian Settler Colonial Ways of Knowing.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 67–81.

Maisonneuve, Marilou. “Being Christian and Innu: is a Reconnection with the Land Possible? A Historical and Anthropological Analysis.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 82–89.

Maisonneuve, Marilou. “Être chrétien et Innu: une reconnexion avec le territoire est-elle possible? Une analyse historique et anthropologique.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 90–98.

McKinney, Jason. “From Urbs Nullius to Terra Sacra: Seeking a Spiritual Commons.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 18–27.

Porter, Crystal. “A Search to Belong: Cultural Reclamation on the Jesus Way.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 112–28.

Prentis, Brooke. “Dangerous Memories in the Land We NOW Call Australia: Do the Exiles Hear the Call to Country Today.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 50–66.

Seaberg, Eric. “A Sámi Pilgrimage: Finding a Way back to Sacred Land in the Midst of a Diaspora.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 99–111.

Starkenberg, Keith. “Falling and Standing: Learning a White Theology of Land in North America.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 129–43.

Zacharias, H. Daniel. “GraceLand: The Land as Relational Gift in the Bible.” Journal of NAIITS 17 (2019): 154–75.

Adrahtas, Vassills. “Perceptions of Land in Indigenous Australian Christian Texts.” Studies in World Christianity 11, no. 2 (2005): 200–14.

Baker, Josiah. “Native American Contributions to a Christian Theology of Space.” Studies in World Christianity 22, no. 3 (2016): 234–46.

Boseto, Leslie. “Do Not Separate Us from Our Land.” The Pacific Journal of Theology 2, no. 13 (1995): 69–72.

Brady, Veronica. “Land of the Spirit: The Australian Religious Experience.” Pacifica 4, no. 3 (1991): 327–36.

Burn, Geoffrey. “Reconciliation and Land in Australia.” Pacifica 24, no. 1 (2011): 80–100.

Bush, Joseph E. “Land and Communal Faith: Methodist Belief and Ritual in Fiji.” Studies in World Christianity 6, no. 1 (2000): 21–37.

Cadigan, Tui. “Land Ideologies that Inform a Contextual Maori Theology of Land.” Ecotheology 6, no. 1/2 (2001): 123–37.

Cadigan, Tui. “Tangata Whenua, People of the Land.” Concilium 5 (2010): 60–66.

Calma, Tony. “Respect, Tolerance and Reconciliation rather than Opposition and Denial: Indigenous Spirituality, Land, and the Future of Religion in Australia.” Pacifica 23, no. 3 (2010): 322–36.

Carlson, Keith Thor. The Power of Place, the Problem of Time: Aboriginal Identity and Historical Consciousness in the Cauldron of Colonialism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.

Chimhanda, Francisca Hildegardis. “African Theology of Land: A Shona Perspective.” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 148 (2014): 33–47.

Desjarlais, Joe. “A Tale of Two Outbacks: Aboriginal Relationship to Land in Australia and Canada.” Journal of NAIITS 8 (2010): 109–13.

Dodson, P. “The Land Our Mother, the Church Our Mother,” In Discovering an Australian Theology, edited by P. Malone, 83–88. Homebush, NSW: St Paul, 1988.

Dyck, Jonathan, and Cornelius A. Buller. “Mapping the Land: Toward an Aboriginal Biblical Theology of Land.” Journal of NAIITS 2 (2004): 53–69.

Edwards, Denis. “Apprentices in Faith to the Aboriginal View of the Land.” Compass Theology Review 20, no. 1 (1986): 23–31.

Edwards, W. H. “The Church and Indigenous Land Rights: Pitjantjatjara Land Rights in Australia.” Missiology 14, no. 4 (1986): 473–86.

Habel, Norman C. “Conquest and Dispossession: Justice, Joshua, and Land Rights.” Pacifica 4, no. 1 (1991): 76–92.

Hannah, Digby. “Experience of Place in Australian Identity and Theology.” Pacifica 17, no. 3 (2004): 297–310.

Levett-Olson, L. Lee. “Place and Displacement: Reading Scriptures with Indigenous Australians,” In Indigenous Australia and the Unfinished Business of Theology: Cross-Cultural Engagement, edited by Jione Havea, 181–94. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Longgar, William Kenny. “Kaugu Gunan Ma Kaugu Pia My Village and My Land: The Theological Significance of Land in the New Guinea Islands of Papua New Guinea.” Point Series 32 (2008).

Martin, John Hilary. “‘White Man Got No Dreaming Him Go ‘Nother Way’—Albert Muta.” Pacifica 7, no. 3 (1994): 325–45.

May, John D’Arcy. “Human Rights as Land Rights in the Pacific.” Pacifica 6, no. 1 (1993): 61–80.

Pattel-Gray, Anne. Through Aboriginal Eyes: The Cry From the Wilderness. Geneva, Switzerland: WCC Publications, 1991.

Ryle, Jacqueline. “Roots of Land and Church: The Christian State Debate in Fiji.” International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 5, no. 1 (2005): 58–78.

Ryle, Jacqueline. My God, My Land: Interwoven Paths of Christianity and Tradition in Fiji. Routledge, 2016.

Rynkiewich, Michael A. “Strangers in a Strange Land: Theologies of Land.” Point Series 25 (2001): 210–32.

Thayer-Bacon, Barbara J. “Land: First Nations’ Examples.” Counterpoints 505 (2017): 33–61.

Tinker, George E. “Why I Don’t Believe in a Creator,” In Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry: Conversations on Creation, Land Justice, and Life Together, edited by Steve Heinrichs, 167–79. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2013.

Tuwere, Ilaitia Sevati. Vanua: Towards a Fijian Theology of Place. Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 2002.

Yeo, K. K., and Gene L. Green, eds. Theologies of Land: Contested Land, Spatial Justice, and Identity. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2020.

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